Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB

Launched in 2017 by Microsoft

Whats is Azure Cosmos DB?

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database service for modern app development. Get guaranteed single-digit millisecond response times and 99.999-percent availability, backed by SLAs, automatic and instant scalability, and open-source APIs for MongoDB and Cassandra.

Technical Details

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database for modern app development. Single-digit millisecond response times, and automatic and instant scalability, guarantee speed at any scale.

  • ​Guaranteed speed at any scale
  • Fast, flexible app development with SDKs for popular languages, a native Core (SQL) API along with APIs for MongoDB, Cassandra, and Gremlin, and no-ETL (extract, transform, load) analytics
  • Ready for mission-critical applications
  • Fully managed and cost-effective serverless database
  • Serverless database operations
  • Hybrid platform for Cassandra data
  • No-ETL analytics over real-time operational data 


Example Pricing

10M Serverless Request Units ($2,82), 10GB of consumed storage ($2,5), 10 GB of backup storage ($1,5) $6,82USD 


Great documentation to start things off.


Includes the ability to autoscale, with configuration options for it.


Azure Cosmos DB is available on all the platforms that have Azure available, such as the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and more to come.


Azure Cosmos DB automatically takes backups of your data at regular intervals. The automatic backups are taken without affecting the performance or availability of the database operations. Azure Cosmos DB automatically takes a full backup of your database every 4 hours and at any point of time, only the latest two backups are stored by default. If the default intervals aren't sufficient for your workloads, you can change the backup interval and the retention period from the Azure portal.

If you choose an on-premises solution, you need to provide everything from end-point protection to physical security of your hardware - which is no easy task. If you choose a PaaS cloud database provider such as Azure Cosmos DB, your area of concern shrinks considerably.


What do you think about Azure Cosmos DB? This product is used by 7 companies & 8 companies wants to use it in future.

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