Serverless-first help startups go big

Hire specialist developers to build serverless or LowCode applications faster and cheaper

Connect and hire remotely

Why serverless architecture?

Incredible cost savings and efficiency gains


Reduce cloud cost upto 70%

100% automated and pay-as-you-go reduces the huge cost of running and managing cloud servers


Eco-friendly computing

Serverless architectures are eco-friendly and good for the planet


Reduce Developer Dependency

100% auto-pilot makes Happy Developers as they no longer have to manage and operate servers. No need to hire new talent or compete with corporations as applications grows.


Ultra-fast applications

Code can run closer to the user location, which decreases latency and delight the users


Offer 100% SLA

Applications will scale up and down automatically as the user base grows. 100% SLA. Team can have a good night sleep finally


Super agile Deployments

Developers can rapidly deploy apps in seconds in multiple enviroments around the world with lowest latency

Why to use serverless:talent platform?

Incredible cost savings and efficiency gains

Ultra-fast innovation Protyping

Move fast like startups, agile innovation experimentation. You don't need to get busy IT teams involved.Our specialist developers can build quick serverless applications and functions in weeks not months

Ultra cost-efficient

Our highly cost-efficient remote developers will build cost-efficient serverless applications. Saving you on development & later zero-mangement cost

100% Managed services

Hire full-time employees or contractors, we offer compliance, remote security through zero-trust network, and taxes and payment via partners.

Our Developers

Hire Specialized Serverless Developers

Frequently asked questions

See the common questions our users ask us about Serverless Tech.