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About Product

Azure SQL Database is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) database engine that handles most of the database management functions such as upgrading, patching, backups, and monitoring without user involvement.Azure SQL Database is always running on the latest stable version of the SQL Server database engine and patched OS with 99.99% availability. PaaS capabilities that are built into Azure SQL Database enable you to focus on the domain-specific database administration and optimization activities that are critical for your business.

Macrometa's architecture is a geo distributed event source with a materialized view engine and CRDT based replication. To achieve consistency in replication, Macrometa provides an adaptive model that allows developers to define the consistency level with fine grained granularity to achieve different levels of isolation and consistency depending on their needs.

Macrometa's team of scientists and engineers have incorporated leading edge ideas from distributed systems and concurrent databases that incorporate technologies like Conflict Free Replicated Datatypes (CRDT) to create a new highly secure, high performance, low latency data infrastructure.


Has a vCore-based purchase model, for those who look for flexibility, control and transparency of individual resource consumption.

$0.5218 vCore-hour rate.

$0.12 per GB-monthly in Locally Redundant Storage.

Backup storage and long term retention have varying prices.

Example Price

10 vCores ($5,218) with 10GB of storage ($1,2) alongside 10GB of LRS storage and retention ($1+$0,25) $7,668 USD

Free Developer Account

  • 10k operations per day
  • 200 MB storage
  • Access to the entire stateful serverless platform

Example Price

5M Operations ($5), 1GB of RAM per hour ($0.15GB) and 10 GB of storage ($2,5) $7,65USD


Massive documentation, free to start. Might be a bit overwhelming at first.

Configurable autoscaling.


Azure SQL Database is available on all the platforms that have Azure available, such as the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and more to come.

With Azure SQL Database, you can set a long-term backup retention policy (LTR) to automatically retain backups in separate Azure Blob storage containers for up to 10 years. You can then recover a database using these backups using the Azure portal or PowerShell.

Supports JWT, ABAC-based role, and permissions. Identity and anonymous-base

Very quick to start, includes a free version to try things out. Might take some time due to its C8 query language.

Automatic, elastic scaling.

United States, Europe, Australia, Middle East.

Presents Real time log analytics, Real time Event Correlation, Real-time security information, threat & anomaly detection and event management, Graph Search & Knowledge Graphs, and more.

Technical Details

With Azure SQL Database, you can create a highly available and high-performance data storage layer for the applications and solutions in Azure. SQL Database can be the right choice for a variety of modern cloud applications because it enables you to process both relational data and non-relational structures, such as graphs, JSON, spatial, and XML.

  • ​Fully managed SQL database automates updates, provisioning, and backups so you can focus on application development
  • Flexible and responsive serverless compute and Hyperscale storage rapidly adapt to your changing requirements
  • Layers of protection, built-in controls, and intelligent threat detection keep your data secure
  • Built-in AI and built-in high availability maintain peak performance and durability with an SLA of up to 99.995 percent

The Macrometa Global Data Network is based on cutting edge computer science incorporating new ideas and research in the areas of messaging, event processing, data consistency and replication.

  • ​Concurrent Change Conflict Handling
  • Adaptive Consistency
  • Coordination Free
  • Real-Time Stream Processing
  • Geo-Cache
  • Multi-Model Database
  • Data Streams
Supported Languages